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Do You Celebrate Being You?

For once, I am glad to admit that I am amongst the millions who spend endless hours looking up “How to Lose Weight”, “Cause of Obesity” so on and so forth on the internet. I am the kind of person that likes to try out everything right from the GYM to Cycling to Running to all kinds of Power Yoga and Hot Yoga in a bid to control my increasing weight. But more often than not I end up in losing more of my enthusiasm than my weight in the bargain as it is really a hard process.

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It dawned to me once during one such browsing sessions that while on one hand India is considered a leading destination for medical tourism, it is the third country worldwide that leads in obesity which is paradoxical.

I am not writing this piece to expand on the medical complexities of obesity but rather talk about my own experiences and conversation with someone who is also now an important part of my life.
However before I proceed further, let me just say that I do come under the obese category even though I look just a little overweight as  know how to carry myself well with clothes that disguise the excess bits excellently! I have heard my friends, family, peers, acquaintances repeatedly telling each other “Do not worry about being overweight; it is a state of mind", "Keep your mind healthy and keep eating right” and all that motivational stuff, hearing which I have some of my own questions to ask them:

Where do you get such wisdom from? 
How do I know what is eating right? 
How do I keep my mind healthy if I am not able to wear the clothes of my choice? 
How do I pretend to be happy? 

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Common answer
– Read about it, Google the healthy diets, go to a dietitian, workout!

I say, find your own matter expert!

When in such a dilemma and surrendering, stop reading and researching about this subject, instead pour out your heart to matter experts!

I did it and in high spirits to share few excerpts, may be you will relate to it, nevertheless do not trust my note blindly, find your own matter expert!

Here are some excerpts of my conversation with Dr. Harjjot Kaur, a well-known aesthetic physician who has a decade of experience in the slimming industry. 

Image Source:Pixabay
Q: Not by choice but sub-consciously I end up coming across those dreadful posts, alerts, articles on Obesity and how it has caused health disorders to extreme. I AM SCARED! 

A: You are not the only one to get scared. Anything related to physical health is always on top of our mind! But have you ever thought of its effect on mental health? Do you know while you are engrossed in your daily chores, it is constantly playing in your sub conscious mind?
For a moment make your mental health as your top priority and see how much positive will you become.
Why do you think we have our tagline “Celebrate Being You”, because when you start looking after yourself, you start feeling confident! If you are in shape, if you can buy and wear anything from the stand that looks nicer, it boosts your morale, it opens the plethora of choices for you! 

Accept to Acknowledge

Q: 5 years back I had a friend who was uncomfortable wearing sleeveless due to heavy arms and I termed her as unfashionable, today I sail in the same boat, I feel my body is disproportionate, now her lack of confidence, low self-esteem is understandable!
A: The transition matters! You would see a change in your behaviors and confidence patterns as you will gain or reduce that excess weight. You would be happier and more satisfied mentally when you reduce.
I want to emphasize on the wrong standards we have set for being skinny or over weight. It all boils down to confidence, commonly you will see overweight people saying that they have accepted how their body is and how circumstantial is their weight gain, they have made peace with it!
In real, they are breaking inside while saying this loud!
Again all this affects your mental health. Do not create that facade around you, either be really happy or else Accept to Acknowledge
Remember there is always a scope of improvement and I am here to fill that gap!

Q: For a long time, I thought I can reduce on my own by doing diets!
A: You are not an exception, everyone think they can! But the reality is far different.
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At times we set too high standards and targets for ourselves; we go too strong on our body, that has its own repercussions! One of my members before joining us was on a buttermilk diet (Me: How come I have never heard of it)
Like the way you go to specialized doctors for specific needs, please consider going to a subject matter expert for weight reduction as well instead of following Google diets (with no offence to Google though)

Obesity is a psychosomatic disorder!
Q: Why has obesity increased so many folds despite of India having the highest number of Gyms, Health Clubs, Yoga Centers, and Dietitians?
A: Obesity has been given a tag of an epidemic in India by W H O! In my opinion, I think this scenario has changed in last 20 years. Back then did you notice your mums and relatives going to gyms, using weight loss products etc? Probably handful of them!
Have you heard the story of 4 blind men and an elephant? Each one has their own version, same is with obesity. People who believe a lot in diet are doing it only with diet; runners think running is the ultimate way, so on and so forth…
I see weight loss as wholesome! When I consult I look into all details, I talk a lot to the seekers about them, their lives, in short what has actually caused Obesity in them. 
Being a doctor you need to find the root cause.
There are psychosomatic reasons for weight gain. Obesity is a psychosomatic disorder!

Image Source: Slideshare
Q: I am worried even more…what will it take to control it?
A: Without worrying much, look at Obesity as wholesome. Do not believe that Obesity is because of any one reason like diet, lack of exercise, genetics.
First of all be ready to acknowledge it, look at a larger picture. Take professional help and be ready to fight it with positivism and open mind!


P.S ; Today, I am taking professional help and yes I am very positive to embrace the changes' life has in store for me. 


  1. Great work.... Speaking your heart and expressing is very important. It makes one's calm and feels so warm. I read your article...Call it article coz it has become not just your story but also a knowledge for one..I agree with what you said. Being positive towards life and fashion is important but just dieting is not everyone's cup of tea. Parting ways with your beloved carbs is hard, and we totally get it. Be positive and celebrate yourself..

    I have heard of Ryosuke called it a long-breath diet. It's a simple technique that involves taking a certain position, inhaling for three-second, and exhaling strongly for seven seconds. The best part is that you only have to do this exercise for just 2 minutes a day!

    All the best!!! Keep blogging.

    1. Thanks for your heartfelt words Aira. Very encouraging, I shall certainly try finding more about Ryosuke.


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