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Showing posts from April, 2019

The 3 C's - Career-Competition-Collaboration!

Speaking on Career - Competition - Collaboration  Moving across different stages of human development, from a child to an adolescent to an adult, one thing that remained common was my core belief in the power of group or you may call team! What can be a better example than family members who collaborate to driving best results. However on the contrary, today and even back then, I would notice adults making academics more of competition to reach the career than gaining knowledge for a sustainable career. Today, my heart breaks to see the younger ones running in the race, not being socially connected to their surroundings but social media! What is career? What's the fuss over making a human academically stronger? The rush, panic and awe is just so overwhelming when it comes to educating wonder the rate of mental depression has become hostile.  Hands down education is amongst the primary rights of a person, but don't you think in this hoard of making s

5 ways to motor your indulgence?

Life is full of surprises one minute you're drowning in anxiety and the next second you're soaring in achievements beyond imaginations. I too was in a situation where I nearly had a crazy rendezvous of experiencing death, not literally although in terms of how I am handling the difficulties and dealing with adulthood. How did I undertake these seemingly annoying times you ask? Well, a few realisations hit sit me like a surge of sand dunes when I inhaled the my last will....and the biggest one made took me beyond the materialistic, it was "You are still you!!" Preach much?  I understand....allow me to dissect it in ease. Imagine you're a car. Be it any car you want....a Maruti, an Alto, AUDI?! Or even a grand SUV. What is one thing all these cars need? Yup, that's right....It's FUEL! Without fuel or battery or charge none of the cars can be driven at all. You are exactly the same, a motor who needs fuel consistently to keep going. How do you do that? Le